martes, 17 de abril de 2007

Unit 15 * Biographies. Drawing a time line and telling about my life and the life of someone I admire.

I’m Daniela Campuzano.I was born maracaibo,I live in Maracaibo.…My abilities is, dancer,Cooked, drawing
My graduation to bachelor in Science(Lyceum Domingo Sarmiento)I’m to begin studied mass mediaAt URBE.
n the present,2nd semester studentat mass media In URBE University...composition...I’m Daniela Campuzano, I was born Maracaibo, I live in Maracaibo, in 1989.My abilities is dancer, cooked, drawing.My graduation to bachelor in science in Lyceum Domingo Sarmiento, in 2006.
I’m to begin studied mass media at URBE, in September 2006 and in the present, 2nd semester student at mass media at URBE University.

Unit 14 Last Weekend

FRIDAY NIGHTO n Friday night, I visited some friend.We ate hamburgers in the burger king! And we saw a movie, in after that, we slept in my house was great!!!!

SATURDAY On Saturday morning, I felt bad. On Saturday afternoon, I watched TV and went to the cyber.On Saturday night, I visited my boyfriend and talked all the night.

SUNDAY On Sunday morning, I studied history and English.In the afternoon, I visited my family in Cecilio Acosta.At night, my boyfriend and I ate ice cream and watched a TV. my last weekend was a delicious and great.

Unit 13 Where's URBE? giving direction

HOSPITALThere’s a hospital on Chocolate Street,It’s between second and Third Avenue.
PHARMACYThere’s a pharmacy on Love Street and Second AvenueIt’s next to the bank.
CARPENTER’S SHOPThere’s a carpenter’s shop on Marcos Street and Fourth Avenue.It’s across from the bakery.
CENTER MALLThere’s a center mall across from Marcos Street and First Avenue.It’s behind to the pharmacy.
BANKThere’s a bank on chocolate street and Fourth Avenue it’s across from the bakery.
BAKERYThere’s a bakery on Love Street and Third Avenue,It’s across from the hospital.

Unit 11 festivies! Mind map of celebration

Hello, everybody my name’s Daniela CampuzanoToday is April 17th, 2007. it’s FridayMy favorite month is August; why? “it’s my birthday” jejejeMy birthday it’s on August 1thI was born on August 1th 1989

Unit 10 * Talents and sports. Show and tell... a composition about talents and sports.

My composition.

Hello, my name’s Daniela Campuzano but everybody calls me NaniI like To dance to leave to share with my friends … to be with my family, to spend amused short whiles … to leave with my fiancè. .gracias by his attention

domingo, 15 de abril de 2007


Maracaibo I'm 17 years old and I study mass media at URBE, in section S211.
I live Maracaibo in La Trinidad.
I love dancing, in eat Hamburguer, talking with my friends, my family, go to the discos with my friends.
I hate chocolate, smoking and champeta music is horrible.

My opinion about English. I think english is very important for the life and very very good exercise

My teacher is Doris de Martins
My tutor is Keillyn Rodriguez


I love eating, I eat a lot of mandocas, sometimes, I eat some chiken, I usually eat a little of fish and eggs.

The food I love is italian, I like pasta and macarronada. I think they're delicious. I don't like fish and chocolate. I think it's terrible.

I think I eat well. But I need to eat more, brocoli, apples, cereal, bread, salads. I need to eat less mandocas and pasta